





Lecture and Arts Events encourage students to explore diverse 观点, ideas, and 经历 through 表演, talks, and other 演讲. Lecture and Arts events are open to the College and 周围 community and include 重要的 artistic or 知识 content related to academic programs and/or relevant to the 机构 mission. The College Catalog indicates that programs are limited to Provost’s Forums, visual and 执行 arts events, and approved speakers. L&A credit may not be earned for events in which a student is a 参与者. 



How can I find out about upcoming Lecture & Arts Events?  

Events are offered 通常在秋季和春季学期. Students may attend as many as 吸引他们的兴趣 are required to attend 24 events prior to 毕业. Upcoming Lecture and Arts events can be found on Ginkgo GO. The calendar is updated regularly; all listed events have been approved for L&A Credit. To access the Lecture and Arts Events calendar from the 澳门新葡京官网 website: 

  • 导航到my澳门新葡京官网下拉菜单,选择 Ginkgo GO
  • 使用您的澳门新葡京官网用户名和密码登录,然后按提交按钮. 
  • 从右边的菜单中,选择Lec & 即将举行的艺术活动. 
  • 为确保您的资料安全,请记得登出并退出系统.


How many Lecture and Arts Events do I need to attend?  

Prior to 毕业后, students must attend at least 24 Lecture and Arts Events, an average of 6 per year. Course registration priority is based on class standing and the number of Lecture and Arts events attended. Students can monitor the number of events completed in Ginkgo GO.


即将入学的转学生在进入伯明翰南方学院之前,每学期参加三次讲座和艺术活动, 最多十二个.  



如果我只是在大四结束时有点害羞怎么办? 我是否可以获得一个例外,以便我能按计划毕业? 

No. 如果学生没有完成这一要求,他们将不能毕业或参加毕业典礼. 


学生获得 one L&他们参加的每个讲座和艺术活动的学分. 要获得学分,学生必须注册 他们出席活动. 确保及时登记, 学生应及时到达,待到活动结束. 大多数活动都需要在入口处和出口处登记. 学生不能因参加同一活动的多场演出而获得额外学分. 

进入活动前, 向活动组织者/工作人员咨询,以便准确记录您的出席情况. L&身份证,签到表,和/或QR码可用于记录学生出勤.  

登录,用你的L&A ID, or scanning the QR Codes verifies that the specific student identified has attended the full presentation; misrepresenting 出席 will be considered a 澳门新葡京官网 Honor Code violation. 要登记您的出席,请遵循特定活动的相关说明:  

  • When L&正在使用A id,登录Ginkgo GO,选择L&菜单中的ID. 这将打开一个页面,上面有你的名字,照片和QR码,将在门口扫描. 为了更快地处理,请截取您的ID的屏幕截图以保存它以供将来使用. 
  • 使用签到表时, 打印清楚你的全名和学号,以便准确记录出勤情况. 
  • 使用二维码时,扫描二维码,然后使用澳门新葡京官网用户名和密码登录. 当您提交您的登录信息时,您将收到一个 记录更新 指示L的信息&考勤记录. QR码有时间限制,仅在活动期间有效. 扫描QR码时,超出了设定的事件时间, 您可能会收到错误代码,说明事件尚未开始, 活动还没有结束, 或者代码已经过期. 


学生可以在Ginkgo GO上查看自己的考勤记录. 请给我们一个星期的时间来开具信用证. 

  • 从澳门新葡京官网网站顶部的my澳门新葡京官网下拉菜单中,选择 Ginkgo GO .
  • Login using your 澳门新葡京官网 username and password and press the Submit button. 
  • From the menu, select Lec & Arts Attended events. 
  • To ensure the security of your data, remember to select logout and exit the system. 


Students should monitor their 出席 record. Please report any errors to Amanda Coshatt, (电子邮件保护), within 10 days of attending the event to get credit.


Events that qualify for Lecture and Arts credit can be submitted for approval using 提案表格: All proposals must be submitted by a 澳门新葡京官网 faculty or staff member and the event itself must have members of the 澳门新葡京官网 staff present to moderate and/or oversee the event. Proposals must be submitted at least one week prior to the event to allow time for review. Events must be held in an approved Lecture & Arts event space.